2230 N Calle Rivas, Nogales, AZ 85621 contact@0s3movement.org 520.257.7755 or 56

Sustainable trail design, building and maintenance training

Volunteers, Edgardo and Araceli Padilla at the Monte Carlo Trails

Sustainable trail design, building and maintenance training.
Great training for the Key Volunteers Crew of the “coming soon” Monte Carlo Trails Public Park in Nogales, AZ.
Thanks to our instructors: Mark Flint from Southwest Trail Solutions, Adam Milnor from National Park and Service, the assistance of Chuck Hill from the SCVBAC and Luis from the City of Nogales.

Flagging at Monte Carlo Trails Park

Adam Milnor from National Park Service flagging at Monte Carlo Trails Park

Today, February 28, 2019, Adam Milnor of National Park Service and members of 0S3 Movement set out to mark the final design for the main mountain biking trail. This marks the first big step to start construction in the coming weeks. On March 9 or 16, a class for the construction and maintenance of trails is contemplated which will be carried out by National Park Service to members of 0S3 Movement. For more information about this project, making a donation or volunteering please contact us at contact@0s3movement.org or give us a call at 520-223-8030.

AmeriCorps experienced MTB in Santa Cruz County

0S3 Movement & AmeriCorps

The group of young adults, AmeriCorps, enjoyed a bike ride with 0S3 Movement Mountain Trainer, Tracy FIlippi with the assistance of Karla Osete.

AmeriCorps adopt bikes

AmeriCorps adopt bikes from 0S3 Movement in Nogales, Arizona

The group of young adults, AmeriCorps that arrived in Nogales, Arizona to provide a social service to our community and which will remain for a period of approximately 3 months in the locality, participated in the “Adopt a Bike” program of our non-profit organization “0S3 Movement” which consists in learning basic mechanics for bicycle to later fix a bicycle and make use of it for a period of 2 months as means of transport, recreational use etc.

Christmas Posada 2018 for 0S3 Kids & 0S3 Reptilians Youth Cycling Teams

Celebration of the Christmas Posada 2018 for 0S3 Kids and 0S3 Reptilians youth cycling team in Oasis Theater in Nogales, Arizona.
The 0S3 Movement Cycling Family celebrated their kids and youth cyclist in gratitude for their great performance and participation in the different events during 2018.
Thank you 0S3 Kids and 0S3 Reptilians Youth Cycling Team!!!!

Fix-2-Own Christmas Edition

Thanks to our youth and family members who participated this past Sunday, December 2 to fix bicycles which will be donated to local children. We especially want to thank Oscar Padilla Jr. for his great performance and leadership in this program!!! Thanks to the whole 0S3 cycling family!!!!
Fix2own crew: Oscar Padilla Jr., Leonardo Padilla, Amador Vázquez Jr., Santiago Vazquez, Daniel Lopez. Assistant: Oscar Padilla, Amador Vazquez and Edgardo Muñoz.

The 0S3 Experience for WIC/Mariposa Community Health Center staff

WIC from Mariposa Health Center put together a one day staff gathering where their employees had the opportunity to experienced cycling as a way of living “The 0S3 Experience”. This small course was carried out by Melissa Gallegos and Araceli Padilla, members and cyclists of 0S3 Movement.

Mural in bike container at downtown Nogales, Az.

Great mural is painted in a container for bicycles in the center of the city of Nogales, Arizona. Karla Osete, local artist and enthusiastic cyclist member of 0S3 Movement was in charge of this colorful work with 3 other local artists.

Mission 2 Mission bike ride

The traditional bike ride to the mission of San Xavier in Tucson, Arizona took place this past Sunday, September 30th. It all started at 5:45 am at the Mission of Tumacacori in Santa Cruz County, where more than 30 cyclists of all ages and from both Nogales got together for this great bike ride full of fun, friends and family.

Visit to Monte Carlo Trails

This past Saturday, September 22, members of the cyclists family of 0S3 Movement visited what will soon be a recreational park for the practice of mountain biking, BMX, running or hiking. The reason of this visit was mainly to clean up a little and make a recognition of what will be the main route for MTB practice. For more information about this project please contact us through: contact@0s3movement.org or visit our official website at: www.0s3movement.org
