0S3 Reptilians at the 2021 Young Leader Summit Conference
Excellent collaboration and opportunity that Circles of Peace are giving to our youth of 0s3 Reptilians Cycling Team, thanks Jessica and Claudia from Circles of Peace for guiding them and doing this for our Kids !!! Heading to the Young Leaders conference! Amador Vásquez, Juan Carlos Lopez, Zachary Baldenegro and Daniel Fer.
Excelente colaboración y oportunidad que les están brindando Circulos de paz nuestros jóvenes de 0S3 Reptilians Youth Cycling Team. Gracias Jessica y Claudia y de Circulos de Paz por guiarlos y hacer esto por nuestros hijos !!! Rumbo a la conferencia de jóvenes Líderes ! Amador Vásquez, Juan Carlos Lopez, Zachary Baldenegro y Daniel Fer
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Last Updated: June 21, 2021 by 0s3movement_66v7tw
0S3 Reptilians at the 2021 Young Leader Summit Conference
Excellent collaboration and opportunity that Circles of Peace are giving to our youth of 0s3 Reptilians Cycling Team, thanks Jessica and Claudia from Circles of Peace for guiding them and doing this for our Kids !!! Heading to the Young Leaders conference!
Amador Vásquez, Juan Carlos Lopez, Zachary Baldenegro and Daniel Fer.
Excelente colaboración y oportunidad que les están brindando Circulos de paz nuestros jóvenes de 0S3 Reptilians Youth Cycling Team. Gracias Jessica y Claudia y de Circulos de Paz por guiarlos y hacer esto por nuestros hijos !!! Rumbo a la conferencia de jóvenes Líderes !
Amador Vásquez, Juan Carlos Lopez, Zachary Baldenegro y Daniel Fer
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